COST Action E55

   March 11, 2025

The Action

The main objective of COST Action E55 is to provide the basic framework and knowledge required for the efficient and sustainable use of timber as a structural and building material. This Action is a consortium of European experts in the fields of timber engineering and structural reliability. The duration of the action is schedueled from December 2006 - December 2010.
For further information about scientific contents, the organisation of the action, past and future meetings and documents please refer to the links on the sidebar.


What is COST?

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is an intergovernmental framework for the coordination of nationally-funded research at a European level, based on a flexible institutional structure.

Established in 1971, COST has developed into one of the largest frameworks for research cooperation. The 34 Member countries of COST include the 27 EU Member States, Croatia, Iceland, Norway, the Republic of Serbia, FYR of Macedonia, Switzerland and Turkey.

In addition, Israel is a cooperating state. COST research networks are called Actions. Cooperation takes the form of concerted activities, i.e. the co-ordination of nationally funded research activities, between research institutions from member countries or cooperating states. COST also welcomes Institutions from non-COST countries to join individual Actions where there is mutual benefit.

More information of the structure and about the procedures of COST can be obtained at the COST Homepage.


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